Wednesday 19 November 2014

About the game - Walkthrough

The Last Of Us is a very popular game worldwide. It is a game that lets you choose what happens to the characters, which is like any other typical game but at the same time it isn't. The Last Of Us is based on if the world had a zombie apocalypse, the game is based in America where the creators made the world look like everywhere has been deserted, wildlife and nature everywhere and destroyed and demolished; the main characters being Ellie and Joel. 

In this game you are not only the hunter, you are the hunted. In real life everyone would obviously do anything to stay alive, you need to do everything to stay alive and stay alive. Everybody has their own ideas of what zombies would be like in real life, fast, slow, dumb, clever... The Last Of Us have names of typical zombies. 'Runners', runners are the weak infected zombies, they are the ones who are just transforming in to zombies. These are usually the easiest to fight off, they usually can't see you as they have fungus infecting their eyes. 
'Stalkers', these are the zombies that don't have the human consience anymore. They still have the seight and and speed of Runners. Stalkers have a croaking noice they do with there voice, they try and sneak up on you but these are also quite easy to fight off. 
The Infected'Clickers', These are the type of zombies that you don't want to bump into... They have the same strength or are even stronger than a human. Clickers also have a slight croak/click noise from their mouth so you'll be able to hear one to be ready for it, if provoked though it will aggresively flail its arms. Be careful. 
'Bloaters' are the most dangerous out of all of the stages of zombies, although they take the longest to develop they take a hell of lot of work to fight off. They have more and thicker fungus which acts like a sheild which means that they can stand multiple hits. Bloaters are the most aggressive zombies, but they are very slow which can make them predictable. 
Each zombie has a weakness to fire, remember that. 

Infected Final Stage

The Last Of Us certainly isn't everybodys cup of tea, you would have to into action, zombies, shooting etc. The game makers advise that anyone under 18 shouldn't play it, personally i think that it should be 17+ but no younger. I can imagine that children play it either way. 

Here is a demo of the game so you can get an idea of the game;

In this game much like any game its a matter of life or death, whether you fight to stay alive or whether you're weak and can't fight. This game will decide your fate for the apocalypse. 
Remember; if you're not one for blood, brains, fungus etc... this game isn't the game for you. Being in a group will help you survive longer, don't get on the wrong side of them... people can turn on you by the drop of a hat. 

The graphics in this game are amazing, i would give the game a 9/10 just for graphics. The creators were so detailed and specific with the graphics, it's crazy. Obviously, 10/10 for the actual gameplay. 
I would recommend playing the game on PC as the controls are easier and i feel like it just makes the game look better, depending on which PC you have ofcourse. But ofcourse, if you want to, you can play it on PS3 which is just as good. 

Gear up, be brave and kill them walking fungus zombies!!!


  1. I dont like zombies but i like how much detail and effort you have put into this. Well done Sophalamamamamam

  2. i actually really wanna play this it looks awsome

  3. Good amount of detail and was enjoyable to read Sophieloaf. Proud.

  4. I really like the concept of zombie survival such as DAYZ but this one is one that would scare me, but good blog XD

  5. it was a good review on the last of us and the game is amazing
